One more whatcha think thread!

It could use a border of some sort so it didn't just sit on the page. Could use a header or footer to tell me what i'm looking at. No idea what it is or is supposed to do. Also shouldn't water be blue? ;)

it's supposed to have kind of a radar look. also i agree that i need a border. I'm still thinking of a way to make it look good. oh btw the little red button needs to be clicked twice to get the next screen to pop up for some reason :\
Clicking once works for me. Ohh and if it's a radar maybe you need some grid lines or a spinney thing like you see on TV radars.

if possible, maybe you could add some static lines moving through the picture every few seconds.?
another good idea, it would be nice to be able to do that with actionscript. But unfortunatley I'm not that skilled ;) maybe ill try to figure that out.

but as it is this is a school project so i don't know if i can put that much time into it.