One OSX technology Microsoft ignored in Office X...


Mac User since 1986
It is well known that OS X supports multilingual GUI. Developers can ship applications with resources in several languages. When the app is launched, it looks at the user's prefs in the International (control panel :confused: ) or whatever and determines which set of menus, command and help files to present the user with.

Unfortunately, it appears that Microsoft has chosen to go with localized versions when it bundled Office v.X

I work as a technology consultant with schools that offer programs in French and English, where one user would need a French GUI one minute and the next user would need the English GUI the next.

OSX was truly a revelation when this useful feature was unveiled. Rather than installing multiple OS's and copies of the same software, switching languages with a simple log off/on seemed like such an elegant solution.

Well, it doesn't look like this will be possible with Office v.X. What's worse? Microsoft Explorer 5.1 takes advantage of this technology, but Office does not. Even little shareware apps launch in a specified language. Microsoft, what are you thinking????

Originally posted by gerbick
it's called maximizing your profits.

or microsoft economics, your pick

its called someone got stoned and forgot about it... there really isnt much, if any , of a reason for MS to do this. The only reason I could think of ( besides the one i just gave ) would be to later down the road start shelling out applications, and maybe have better functionality between them... as to use one common library... i guess:rolleyes: Never The Less... if you mail your objection to microsoft, im sure that they will take the time to over view your sugestions, analize it, and crumple it up and toss it out.
I kinda agree with both of you. I figure a whole team of developers and administrative committees will spend 4-5 days going over it before they decide they can maximize profits by selling each set individually and then crumble it up and throw it away. this will all be done while ignoring fixable bugs and other user needed improvements. Lets face it, M$ is not likely to charge you $500 for something they believe they can get $600 for just as easily since you NEED them to make your own living. Participate in their world, and you give your control over to them. Appleworks 6.2.2 has word and excel translators, so why not use it to work with your different students?
AppleWorks also doesn't make use of the multiple language feature. As far as I know this is Cocoa technology, although it could be achieved anyway (by using external language files or something).

Other Carbon apps that don't: Illustrator, InDesign (pity), FreeHand, StuffIt Deluxe. I guess it's a Cocoa thing, really. The .lproj files also look very much like it.
You're right.

Appleworks does not take advantage of this either.

About the Cocoa thing: Internet Explorer IS an exception to this. Even the preview (5.04 or 5.05 , I forget) that shipped with OS 10.0.x was taking advantage of mulilingual support and as far as I know, that is a Carbon app.

IE 5.1 takes advantage of it and it is Carbon, is it not?

In any event, there is nothing but more headaches in my horizon... (SIGH...)