Only in Utah would The Matrix get edited!!!

DAMN! i swear... that's messed up... shouldn't they have Warner Brothers permission before they... well, "reverse engineer" it? :p LOL
Utah is a scary and beautiful place all at teh sametime. teh mountains and the killer skiing is the only thing that keeps me here.

There are alot of funny thing here and most of them are a direct result of the huge, and unmanageable Mormon influence of everything.
People are dumb. Why must they ruin everything. They will never expand their minds. They are kinda like the Amish.:)
As much as I hate to say it, it does not surprise me. I just can't think of what they would actually edit out of the matrix. i think i am going to have to rent it to find out.
Holy Crap! There is a crap load of stuff to analyze. People should not worry about all of this garbage. Just enjoy the flipping movie! Why does religion always have to be dragged into everything, I mean really. Some people need to get a life.
That was one of the things that made The Matrix so special: it's bizarre mixture of references to religion and mythology.
Yes, you had the christian and jewish references (Zion, for one), as well as greek mythology (nebuchadnezer), roman mythology (the oracle of delphi), buddhism, cyberpunk and - most importantly - a little bit of Lewis Caroll style wonderland philosophy (Follow the white rabbit).
It was this mix that brings the story to life, and I can't imagine how much an edited version could mess that up.
one would hope that the omnipotent Mormon editor(s) of this potentially classic sci-fi creation would strive to maintain the continuity it's creators worked so hard to create.

unfortunately in a state as culturally tended and guarded buy the governing clerics, it would not be surprising to discover the subtraction of some very key elements of the film.