Ooooo...lookie here...Isn't this just cute?

Bill Gates is a very smart influential man that has done a lot for the technology industry. He and his wife also have, and continue to do, a lot for humanity.

He is just 1 of hundreds of higher-ups at Microsoft that I don't think is necessarily to blame for every problem you have with MS or Windows, though he's not without fault.

If you don't think for 1 minutes Steve Jobs would trade places with Bill Gates, you're wrong.

Jobs wakes up every night in a cold sweat knowing despite starting the PC revolution, Gates due to superior intellect now controls it's evolution.

Jobs has been documented all his life as a terrible person, mean spirited and out of control. I could only imagine the tyranny the computer industry might live under if he only had but half the power Gates has.

Talk about control freak, if Jobs had the market share to get away with it, you'd probably need to sign away your first born just to boot up a Mac.

I honestly don't know, but I could imagine a much worse world under the control of Steve Jobs.
Bill Gates appears "nice" because he has to - the Department of Justice would have broken up M$ into smaller pieces if it weren't for the current pro-business Bush administration. I'm sure we've all heard it before where Billie boy says that breaking up M$ will hurt the consumer and the US economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. And Bill's not donating all that money for the benefit of humanity. His primary reason for donating is for the tax break/write-off and public relations (he doesn't want to appear TOO wealthy). The benefit to humanity is secondary. If he could keep it all for himself, believe me he would. And if it weren't for the Justice Department Anti-Trust lawsuit, M$ products would be even more expensive and have stricter licensing agreements. If ol' Billie boy has his way, you won't be running Linux on your PC in 3 to 5 years either. He's trying to implement a digital rights management chip into future PCs, and Intel and AMD are going right along with it. Any unauthorized operating system and software simply won't work with your future PC. Doesn't that sound nice? Sure gives the consumer CHOICE now doesn't it? Run OUR $h!44y operating system or nothing at all.
Consider Bill Gates to be todays Hitler:

He's a good talker, he tests his power of speech whenever he can. He has no real power or brains, but he can talk.

If you can convince a world of people to use a OS that cannot do half the things it's rival OS can do then you sir...have great speaking skills.

That's all.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. FUD is what you spread and stuffer from.

I don't think MS should go unpunished for their monopolistic business practices but breaking them up could certainly have a negative effect on the economy.

Look at our economy right now. the DJIA is below 9000 points. Why do you think this is? It's because companies like Enron, Global Crossing and WorldCom decided to take a dump on us. I could only imagine the effect of disrupting a financially sound corporation like Microsoft by splitting them up might have on our economy. It could be potentially devistating.

The digital rights management chip is an attempt at stopping people from pirating software and music, not to lock out operating systems like Linux. You crazies twist and turn everything into something it's not. Just like Microsoft's product activation. Before XP was released everybody freaked like it was the end of civilization as we know it. As of right now, has it hurt anybody, no. Why should you be able to buy one copy of XP or Office and install it on your 5 computers at home? That's like saying it's ok to put 25c into the news paper stand and not take one but all the news papers. The honor system obviously didn't work for MS, so now they are only trying to protect themselves.

Get a grip on reality and stop spreading lies. We are already starting to see a lot different of Microsoft due to the courts ruling against it. The next service packs for 2000 and XP will allow IE and WMP to be removed from the OS to some extent.

It's wonderful though people like you continue to put pressure on MS. It only encourages them to build a better OS.
Originally posted by Trip
Consider Bill Gates to be todays Hitler:

He's a good talker, he tests his power of speech whenever he can. He has no real power or brains, but he can talk.

If you can convince a world of people to use a OS that cannot do half the things it's rival OS can do then you sir...have great speaking skills.

That's all.

I'm sorry but this is just moronic. Comparing Bill Gates to someone who exterminated 6 million Jews is disgusting. You lack tact and understanding of the real world in general. I understand you're just a child but please try and control yourself. Statements such as this as this one are almost unforgiveable.
MS is ALREADY a convicted criminal, I do not wish for them, if anyone, to decide what goes and what doesn't go on computers. They are known to break promises and do whatever it takes to sell a product. If they control the hardware, what would prevent them in 10 years from saying "As of now, you can ONLY run our systems and software"...they are convicted for doing JUST THAT.
Originally posted by azosx
Look at our economy right now. the DJIA is below 9000 points. Why do you think this is? It's because companies like Enron, Global Crossing and WorldCom decided to take a dump on us. I could only imagine the effect of disrupting a financially sound corporation like Microsoft by splitting them up might have on our economy. It could be potentially devistating.

WRONG! The DJIA closed down at 8,813.50 because the GREEDY executive officers of the companies take their double-digit million dollar bonuses regardless of the welfare of the company and its current economic status. To compensate for their GREED, they instruct the accounting departments to make false balance sheets and shift money around to make the companies look more profitable than they really are. Pure and simple: the problem is GREED and corruption. And the American stock holder, myself included, don't want to lose any more money than we already have. So what do we do? We sell our shares/stock of the corrupt companies, BIG companies, that make up the DJIA which in turn plummet the DJIA. The money is then invested in less risky securities.
Originally posted by voice-
MS is ALREADY a convicted criminal, I do not wish for them, if anyone, to decide what goes and what doesn't go on computers. They are known to break promises and do whatever it takes to sell a product. If they control the hardware, what would prevent them in 10 years from saying "As of now, you can ONLY run our systems and software"...they are convicted for doing JUST THAT.

No, you're wrong, let me correct you. They were actually convicted of monopolistic business practicies stemming from IE being placed on the Windows desktop and it's inability to be removed.

They won't single handedly control the hardware. Every software manufacturer will have a say in how their application is handled. For instance, if you decided to pirate Photoshop and install it with a generated serial number, it will not run. MS is only trying to help protect businesses such as Adobe that lose millions a year because bastards are too cheap to purchase their products.

They aren't going to lock out Linux or other operating systems. Are you crazy? They have already been convicted of monopolistic practices and they are currently attempting to remedy this to some extent. Of course I'm sure it so they don't get split up but hell, it's nice to see them give in for a change.

For them to do what everbody is suggesting with the digital rights management initiative would be suicide.
Originally posted by chemistry_geek

WRONG! The DJIA closed down at 8,813.50 because the GREEDY executive officers of the companies take their double-digit million dollar bonuses regardless of the welfare of the company and its current economic status. To compensate for their GREED, they instruct the accounting departments to make false balance sheets and shift money around to make the companies look more profitable than they really are. Pure and simple: the problem is GREED and corruption. And the American stock holder, myself included, don't want to lose any more money than we already have. So what do we do? We sell our shares/stock of the corrupt companies, BIG companies, that make up the DJIA which in turn plummet the DJIA. The money is then invested in less risky securities.

That's esentially what I said but thanks for clarifying. My point which you missed though was that as these corporations crumble while driving our economy down, how smart of an idea would it be to shake-up Microsoft in the midst of these tragedies.

But while we're on the subject, sure, split them up, why not? Then we'll have one incredibly powerful company dedicated to Windows and another dedicated to IE and another to Office. Sounds genius. Now instead of trying to take the tech market by one medium, the operating system, they can attack it from 3 different angles with even more power and fury than before.

Some people don't think things out very well.
Originally posted by azosx
But while we're on the subject, sure, split them up, why not? Then we'll have one incredibly powerful company dedicated to Windows and another dedicated to IE and another to Office. Sounds genius. Now instead of trying to take the tech market by one medium, the operating system, they can attack it from 3 different angles with even more power and fury than before.

Some people don't think things out very well.

As part of the punishment, the company that makes Office must make Office not only for Windows, but Mac OS, Linux, UNIX, Solaris, IRIX, BSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, etc, etc, etc... Just imagine the man power required to make one product for every major operating system. THEN THE FREE MARKET WILL DECIDE WHICH PRODUCTS TO USE. If Office was available for Linux and other UNIXs, Windows would crumble under the weight of all its bugs and security holes. The number of programmers employed to make this happen would spark the tech sector again. How would all these people be paid? From the split up, most of the money of M$, as part of its punishment, would go to the company making Office software. That way the Office company has a fair chance of succeeding and staying viable. The split up of M$ would create more jobs. Why do you think companies MERGE nad then terminate people? To reduce redundancy of functions and make more money. Doing the reverse as part of an antitrust settlement will create more jobs in a troubled economy and getting the cash flowing again. M$ has the cash reserves for this kind of breakup, they just don't want to you to know about it.

Some people never think things out very well.
Originally posted by chemistry_geek

As part of the punishment, the company that makes Office must make Office not only for Windows, but Mac OS, Linux, UNIX, Solaris, IRIX, BSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, etc, etc, etc... Just imagine the man power required to make one product for every major operating system. THEN THE FREE MARKET WILL DECIDE WHICH PRODUCTS TO USE. If Office was available for Linux and other UNIXs, Windows would crumble under the weight of all its bugs and security holes. The number of programmers employed to make this happen would spark the tech sector again. How would all these people be paid? From the split up, most of the money of M$, as part of its punishment, would go to the company making Office software. That way the Office company has a fair chance of succeeding and staying viable. The split up of M$ would create more jobs. Why do you think companies MERGE nad then terminate people? To reduce redundancy of functions and make more money. Doing the reverse as part of an antitrust settlement will create more jobs in a troubled economy and getting the cash flowing again. M$ has the cash reserves for this kind of breakup, they just don't want to you to know about it.

Some people never think things out very well.

That's genius as well. Now do they not only have control of the PC Windows market with Office, but Linux, Sun Solaris, SGI IRIX, FreeBSD and God knows what other operating systems and platforms as well. I guess this goes for IE as well? Fantastic! How companies such as StarOffice or are to surive when a far superior alternative will be unleashed on their platforms is a mystery to me.

Your thinking baffles me. If splitting up MS would create more jobs, why is this a good thing? MS is not struggling during the economic down turn like other companies. Truthfully it has hardly effected them. Now if they were to have 3 companies instead of one, growning at an exponetial rate, given their history of dominating every market they produce a product for, again, how is this a good thing? You should read up on your history of mergers. Namely AOL/Timer Warner. Thus far, it has been devistating for both companies. Check it out in the URL below.

Why do you think HP and Compaq faught so hard to not merge? I'm a Business Major, don't try to bullsh*t me.

Anyway, now you have 3 companies with 3 products attacking 3 markets at full force with the strength and money of Microsoft behind them. You better pray to whatever God you believe in because if this happens, you're essentially fu*ked.

You're right, some people never think things out very well.
Originally posted by azosx

No, you're wrong, let me correct you. They were actually convicted of monopolistic business practicies stemming from IE being placed on the Windows desktop and it's inability to be removed.

They won't single handedly control the hardware. Every software manufacturer will have a say in how their application is handled. For instance, if you decided to pirate Photoshop and install it with a generated serial number, it will not run. MS is only trying to help protect businesses such as Adobe that lose millions a year because bastards are too cheap to purchase their products.

They aren't going to lock out Linux or other operating systems. Are you crazy? They have already been convicted of monopolistic practices and they are currently attempting to remedy this to some extent. Of course I'm sure it so they don't get split up but hell, it's nice to see them give in for a change.

For them to do what everbody is suggesting with the digital rights management initiative would be suicide.

One part of the monopolist charges were that they used their power over the OS to deliberately made competing apps unstable to make their own software look more attractive. If they were in charge of the hardware(which is the basic thought in the Palladium project) they, not only could, but would do the same there.

If we give MS the power and control over hardware they basically own the computers and we're just granted usage of them, once all computers use this system there's no turning back. One MS smartass will think that it's time Linux was outlawed, as well as any other MS-competing computer, and if the world was THEN to say stop and go back to the old stuff, it would TRUELY be what MS claims will happen now, it'd put the technology back 10 years and somewhat lock it there.

IF we really NEED the Palladium project then I'd like for someone else than MS to be in charge, and not just one company.
Originally posted by voice-

One part of the monopolist charges were that they used their power over the OS to deliberately made competing apps unstable to make their own software look more attractive. If they were in charge of the hardware(which is the basic thought in the Palladium project) they, not only could, but would do the same there.

If we give MS the power and control over hardware they basically own the computers and we're just granted usage of them, once all computers use this system there's no turning back. One MS smartass will think that it's time Linux was outlawed, as well as any other MS-competing computer, and if the world was THEN to say stop and go back to the old stuff, it would TRUELY be what MS claims will happen now, it'd put the technology back 10 years and somewhat lock it there.

IF we really NEED the Palladium project then I'd like for someone else than MS to be in charge, and not just one company.

I don't believe they were convicted of deliberately making competing apps unstable on their OS because since their OS is closed sourced and they would not open it, it could never be determined. Not opening the source of their OS is not an omission of guilt either.

The Australian Government actually has access to the Windows source code. Should we declair war on them as well? Obviously it's a master plan to take over the world, one continent at a time!

They've already been convicted of monopolistic practices. They couldn't afford to lock out Linux or any other OS from PC hardware and risk being tried again. Use some common sense for half a second and think about it.

Sure, let someone else handle it but who has control of the market right now? Microsoft. What OS do most companies produce their apps to run on? Windows. Until that changes, there's little choice left.

In all honesty, the likelyhood of this project becoming a reality is slim to none. Anytime you suggest a ground breaking, earth shattering, potentially devistating initiative, atleast in the eyes of people like you, you always shoot for the stars. Then you sit back, relax and hope atleast 1 of the 10 million cards falls in your favor.
Originally posted by xoot
Lots of anti-M$ threads are popping up here, like the lightbulbs. :)

Of course there are, this is a Apple Computer forum.

Unlike 90% of the users here that haven't used any other OS than Mac OS, I've used Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, IRIX, Solaris, BeOS, NeXTStep, Mac OS X, and BSDi extensively and many others not so extensively.

The difference is I have somewhat of an open mind and experience about what I'm talking about unlike many others and I'm not going to sit here and bash Microsoft, Apple, Linux, AOL or whoever else no other reason than "what I've read or heard."

I could create crackpot threads about anything, but what's the point? In my opinion you only dull your senses by feeding into this sort of slanderous bullsh*t.

I defend what I believe is right and of course it's a struggle being so out numbered. If you're going to sit there and make up sh*t, skew the facts, and spread and create FUD in others, you're no better than the people you're trying to slander.
Originally posted by azosx
In all honesty, the likelyhood of this project becoming a reality is slim to none. Anytime you suggest a ground breaking, earth shattering, potentially devistating initiative, atleast in the eyes of people like you, you always shoot for the stars. Then you sit back, relax and hope atleast 1 of the 10 million cards falls in your favor.

What the hell do you think the Xbox is? It is a modified PC board with digital rights managment hardware built into it. Did you know that the system bus inside XBox transfers information ENCRYPTED? There's currently a $200,000 reward for the first person who can bybass the XBox bios and DRM chip to run Linux. Currently, Linux does not run on the XBox for this reason. The Palladium PC already exists! Infact, I'll bet the XBox is a test device to see just how well the technology works. Do you read Slashdot? If you don't, you should, and here's the link:
Originally posted by chemistry_geek

What the hell do you think the Xbox is? It is a modified PC board with digital rights managment hardware built into it. Did you know that the system bus inside XBox transfers information ENCRYPTED? There's currently a $200,000 reward for the first person who can bybass the XBox bios and DRM chip to run Linux. Currently, Linux does not run on the XBox for this reason. The Palladium PC already exists! Infact, I'll bet the XBox is a test device to see just how well the technology works. Do you read Slashdot? If you don't, you should, and here's the link:

This is completely off topic but ok, what's your point? If the XBox were allowed to run PC games or other operating systems, it really wouldn't be worth much to MS now would it? Sony and Microsoft don't make much money on the systems they sell, it's the games that run on those systems that make them profitable.

Why should Linux be allowed to run on the XBox, that's not what it was designed for. Linux can't run on my GameCube either, should we all blame Nintendo for this? Linux can't run on my VCR, microwave, car or blender either. Should the companies that make these devices be held accountable for such an atrocity? No. Why? Because Linux isn't supposed to be able to run on any of those things, just like it's not supposed to be able to run on the XBox.

$200,000 will just about cover 1 day of legal fees after MS squats that poor hackers a*s after he collects.

Your argument is shifting so fast and furiously it's becoming difficult to keep up.
Why anyone would want to run linux on anything is beyond me. Waste of perfectly good CPU cycles. :)
