Open Office, what is the next step


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I use more and more Open Office, but I must admit that several details still make it "open to improvements".

Do you know of any plans to make it better on MacOS-X ? 1.0.3 is here for some time now.
OpenOffice development on the Mac is basically stuck. It'll be using X11 for quite some time to come, and the release of 1.1 isn't really fixed yet either.

A full Aqua port is meant to be available at in Q1 2006 (yes, 2006!!). We're in for a long wait before we get a native looking OpenOffice. The status of OpenOffice on OS X is available at

In the mean time, you might want to check out NeoOffice ( Its OpenOffice without the X11 dependency. It uses Java as the rendering engine, and so the fonts just look *sweet*. I seem to be plugging this a lot lately, but it mainly because I like it. One of the big problems I've had with OpenOffice is that the fonts look crappy, especially when compared to other Aqua apps. NeoOffice solves this to a very large extent.
I used OO a while ago, but it wouldn't let me paste stuff cut in safari for example. For me this makes it unusable as a basic tool. Does the Java version allow pasting from aqua apps?