Opening Java Cell Phone Game in Mac?


Is it possible to open and play a Java game that was originally made for a cell phone on my Mac laptop running OS X (Tiger)? The games are all ".jar". When I double click on the file for a game, an error message pops up saying something about checking for error messages in the console. So I checked the console and this is the error message:

"Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
/Users/daltonsmith/Desktop/cell games/Java Games/Glu.-.World.Series.Of.Poker.Texas.Hold.Em.SE.176x220.jar"

I get this message no matter which game I try to play.

I am fairly new to using a Mac so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question (on a side note, I LOVE MY MAC !!! haha. much better than my old PC). So if it's possible, how can I play these games on my computer?

That error message means that the .jar file you're trying to run doesn't have an embedded manifest file that tells the .jar launcher which class acts as the main class. A jar file is usually a collection of many different classes and unless one is specified as the main class, there is no way for the .jar launcher to know what to do with this .jar file.

Nevertheless, while it is Java and Java claims to be portable, Java on mobile devices is a completely different beast. So I doubt you'd be able to run it on OS X, Windows or any other desktop. Unless of course you had setup a working Java mobile devices development rig, but I'm not familiar with that as I left the world of Java a number of years ago.