I read that qt 3.0 was ported to the Mac (sorry could not find the link). TThe article stated that applications written for qt 3.0 could run on the Mac if the developer simply recompiled those applications.
I guess from the article that qt is some sort of API or something that handled dealing with specific operating systems. You wrote software for qt and then compiled against a target OS (sorry if this is inaccurate, but I am not a programmer). The news article said that Mac OS X support was added to qt 3.0.
The article also stated that KDE was written for qt which meant that KDE applications could now come to MacOS X if the developer chose to recompile for MacOS X.
and now to my point...
The article also stated that StarOffice for Solaris was written for KDE (since Sun is transitioning to KDE) and as such it should be much easier to bring StarOffice to MacOS X.
and to my question...
If this is true, wouldn't this significantly lower the bar for a port of the Solaris version of StarOffice? Was that basically correct?
At the moment I figured that the chances for OpenOffice/StarOffice coming to Mac OS X anytime soon were not particularly good. That article made it sound like almost a done deal with qt 3.0 support for Mac OS X. I was just wondering if anyone could bring a little reality to what it would *really* take for StarOffice to come to Mac OS X...