Opera releases Opera 6.0 browser final


beta versions of opera 6.0 were very unstable. they were however very fast (maybe a bit slower or faster than chimera). Finally it has reached a final stage:) im downloading it right now: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/mac/600/en/.
lets hope this final browser is much more stable than the beta versions! I believe that everyone should give it a try!
the one thing opera has never been is fast. their claim of being the "world's fastest browser" is a crock when it comes to the os x version. however, thanks for the heads up. i'll be checking it out but not expecting much. when i first used opera, i thought it had lots of promise. so far, nothing has been delivered. :(
I'm testing it out a little right now and eh it's ok. Still a little bit incomplete if you ask me but it might just be me. Scrolling w/ my scroll wheel is still a little bit on the sticky side. It seems to hang for times when loading(this forum included) but that could just be my bogged down ethernet connection here at school. This board seems to render a little strange too. Like the usernames avartar and all in their posts is scrunched to the side. Still testing it and I may give it another spin when I get home to see if my faster DSL connection will help any.

EDIT:I just deleted the Opera 6 Preferences folder because it started crashing a whole bunch and that seems to have helped things a little speedwise, though it's still not as great as Moz/Chimera. Just thought I'd throw this out in case anyone else was having a similar problem.
i still think it's a pity how opera evolved. it was a very good project from the beginning, but they've kinda lost track on the way. when mozilla surfaced, it was a big junk of crap and opera had every chance to keep up the beginning good work (on the pc platform mainly), but mozilla just marched on and got rid of its junk on the way, while opera added it. let's hope for a clean and lean standards compliant OmniWeb 5. :)
I remember using the 5.0 betas back in OS 9 times... but I stopped using it when a serious bug caused it to erase half my HD. And then they started charging money for the crap :eek: