Optical out for audio


I noticed the new G5s have an optical audio out. Can anyone tell us how it is working for you? I think I would absolutely love to have this, but a G5 is in the far distant future for me. Does anyone know of a sound card for a G4 that would give me an optical out?
Optical out is this SPIF (or so), right?
Well, in these days you can hardly buy a sound card without this "line-out". The problem: I just don't know which is compatible to mac. But this is actually just a matter of the drivers.
bla bla bla, actually just wanted to encourage you! You will find the sound card ;)
karavite said:
I noticed the new G5s have an optical audio out. Can anyone tell us how it is working for you? I think I would absolutely love to have this, but a G5 is in the far distant future for me. Does anyone know of a sound card for a G4 that would give me an optical out?

Not too sure about sound cards but I use a Rolland UA 30 usb audio device, it has analogue,coaxil and optical inputs and outputs and makes my Mp3's in iTunes sound well good when played out through the optical output. It cost around $150 and works like a dream on my iMac.
Zammy - thanks for the encouragement!!! :)

ex0dus - The Roland sounds interesting. I will check it out. I'm wondering if they have something with all this + midi. I will go out and look around, but thanks - I wouldn't have thought of Roland, though I should have!