OS 9 or X for G3-600 w/ 128 MB Ram


Depressed as hell
I've been pondering which would be best to use on a laptop that I recently purchased that came with both X.1.4 and OS 9. Not that X has any serious speed issues, but people have been saying that everybody is best with 9 on their iBook rather than X. I would like some opinions on this.
...people have been saying that everybody is best with 9 on their iBook rather than X...

i assume you are talking about your friends because most everybody who visits this site is pretty sold on os x. we tend to laugh at people who still use os 9 as their main system.

yes, load that ibook up with as much ram as you can afford. another 128 is minimum and 512 or better will make you very happy. also get fully updated to 10.1.5 and 9.2.2 if you haven't already. remember that you can still run your old apps in classic mode (most of them anyway) so it's not like you have to give up os 9. even the occasional boot back to os 9 is not that big of a deal. it helps if you disable all the extentions for apps that you now run in os x rather than 9. this will cut back on os 9/classic startup time and help performance in other ways as well.

no doubt you will experience a little confusion with a few of the differences in os x. that's what this site is for. believe me, between reading old threads and asking your own questions, you'll be enjoying the stability and beauty of os x in no time.

the best thing is to give it a try and form your own opinion. :)