Os X 10.1.1


Software update just alerted me to the availablity of 10.1.1... Unfortunately I have not added RAM to this new G4 yet, so it only has 128MB. While installing I experienced a kernel panic... probably because of this paltry amount of RAM and the fact that I was doing a bunch of other things simultaniously...

The TIL (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106582) note for 10.1.1 has this little detail:

"Adds ability for disk-archiving software to restore multiple-linked files."

Hopefully this is the thing that the Retrospect folks were waiting for because I'm anxious for a solid backup system...
I'll bet you that's exactly what it is. Dantz has been complaining that they can't do this, and now they will be able to, it seems. :)