OS X 10.3.1 Update Available (no typo!)


Unofficial Mac Genius
I just got the bi-monthly Mac OS X News newsletter from Apple, dated today (Feb. 26, 2002).

I was surprised too, but Apple has apparently released OS X 10.3.1. They said it in the margin and in the headline -- does anybody know where to get this release?

I got it too, and yeah, it's a mistake. In the paragraph below it references 10.1.3. It's too bad Apple can't proofread their emails. I've seen a bunch of typos in their newsletters before too. This one is the biggest one as far as I can remember though.
Wow, some people don't get the significance of a winking smiley at the end of a long blank space in my post.

Can you say "sarcasm"?

Oh, wait, I'd say this is more an instance of sarchasm.

sarchasm: n. The chasm created between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn't get it.

Note the second sarcastic smiley in my second post. ;) (HINT HINT HINT)

Just teasing with you some more. ;) (HINT HINT HINT -- yes, more teasing)
Does anyone know if a tool that automatically makes GIF/JPGs out of text blocks as laid out in HTML? I would imagine that Apple uses something like that cuz they send an awful lot of emails loaded with GIF headers that I would think would be a total pain to create, even with Photoshop or other. I would love such a tool, at least until some sort of consistent web font management is developed.

Also, it would make sense that the GIF had been automatically generated from a text block typo (notice there's two of them, top and bottom).

Pure speculation.
bah, sarcasm is hard to display over the internet. don't insult people who don't catch a ;) to mean sarcasm... perhaps it tells you something about your writing ability :D . like those people who tell obscure jokes, and claim no one gets it when no one laughs.

:confused: :p :cool: :eek: :eek:
wow, i don't think i have ever loaded this much blanck space in a thread before. you guys should file this one with the site records keeper.

:p (didn't want to mess up the pattern - maybe Guiness will come looking:D )
LOL, Ed, you're a nice guy.
