Os X 2.3 All I Have Now Is A Blue Screen!


Just updated to 10.2.3 what an apparent mistake, all i get now is a big blue screen after the system trys to logon and then it dumps back out to the login. I tryed fsck, and disk utility, it fixed everything except an "overlapping exception"? ANYONE, ANYONE?


Did you do an update or a clean install?

Try booting with the OS CD. then run disk utility
I, too, regret having touched 10.2.3. You are ahead of me though. I get stuck on the gray screen! I plan to reinstall x.2 but I am not at all sure it will let me.
I got stuck on the gray screen on one of my machines after install, but I was able to get past it by disconnecting all USB devices and restarting.

Other things worth trying:

- Shut down. Disconnect the monitor and start it up. Shutdown again and reconnect the monitor.

- Reset the PRAM by holding down command-option-P-R at startup.

- Reset the firmware by holding down Command-option-O-F at startup, then typing "reset-all" followed by return.

One thing I'm learning, mostly from others' experiences: Always Repair Permissions before applying a system upgrade. That said, for most users 10.2.3 has been a flawless upgrade.

PS: To restart when the system is frozen, on modern G4 machines simply hold the power button in for ten seconds.