OS X address book functionality


I've used various address book applications before, most recently Palm Desktop. Now I have switched to the OS X built in one. But it seems to be lacking in features--or am I missing something???

One thing I want to do is to print out a hard copy of my addresses. I would like to pick fields, like name, street address, city, state and zip (NOT email addresses and other stuff). I cannot figure out how to do it.

Also I would love a category button on each card so that I could easily group people into logical groupings, family, friends, work, etc. It seems that the only way to accomplish this is to make groups by individually selecting from the list of cards.

Does anyone know if this app intended to be a persons main address book or primarily just to work with Mail?

Originally posted by Katy
One thing I want to do is to print out a hard copy of my addresses. I would like to pick fields, like name, street address, city, state and zip (NOT email addresses and other stuff). I cannot figure out how to do it.


You have company. I can't see how to do it, either. My guess is that it can't be done.
