OS X among most secure systems?..

The article doesn't take into account the worms and viruses that targetted the platforms. That is why Windows seems to be more 'secure' than Linux.

Personally, I think the reason Linux has more breaches is because there are more Government agencies moving to Linux. As such, they are more interesting/worthwhile targets for hackers. On the other hand, which sane person runs mission critical stuff on Windows?

If they were to include the number of worms/trojans/viruses, Windows would come out tops, followed by Linux, then Mac OS X. Either way, OS X still comes out tops :)
Viro said:
The article doesn't take into account the worms and viruses that targetted the platforms. That is why Windows seems to be more 'secure' than Linux...

The reason being that these guys are looking at directed actual breaches rather than mass, uncoordinated attacks.

Also, the articles cites the lack of training as _the_ reason for Linux breaches rather than any inherent insecurity.

No doubt Microsoft will put a FUD spin on the findings and use them to cloud the real problems...
It's nice news for all BSD distros (including Mac OS X, of course), but OS X as a server OS also has the 'flaw' of just not being implemented on a large scale. The really interesting question would be: What percentage of _tried_ cracks were successful for which operating system. The study does not seem to include scale, just a number of recorded security breaches.
Fryke: I'd also be interested in knowing those figures.

Surely these guys have them.

It's clear that OS X is going places [mostly very good places ::angel::] but I just don't think Apple are making enough of a play on this.

More marketing of these facts required! Are you listening Apple?..