Hi all.
I'm fairly new to all the UNIX stuff in Mac OS X. I have two computers, a mac and PC, connected to a KVM box with USB. When I switch from the PC back to the mac, there's always a delay while the mac redetects the keyboard and mouse. I'm assuming that the delay is caused by the drivers reloading themselves. If this is, in fact, the case, is there a text file I can edit somewhere to force the drivers to always stay loaded? thanks in advance.
I'm fairly new to all the UNIX stuff in Mac OS X. I have two computers, a mac and PC, connected to a KVM box with USB. When I switch from the PC back to the mac, there's always a delay while the mac redetects the keyboard and mouse. I'm assuming that the delay is caused by the drivers reloading themselves. If this is, in fact, the case, is there a text file I can edit somewhere to force the drivers to always stay loaded? thanks in advance.