OS x finder problems


I just got a G4 recently. It's been running well, except for a few issues I've noticed. Unfortunately I have been unable to fix them or determine what's causing them. I need some help. Yeah.
First, when I right click on the desktop (or in any folder) the finder crashes. I suspect a menu should pop up since the mouse momentarily turns into a mouse with a little black menu below it, but then all my icons disappear, and in a few seconds the finder restarts and opens up any windows I had open when the system booted up. I have a 2 button mouse. Ctrl-clicking has the same effect. If I right click on some text, I'll get the copy/paste whatever menu. Only right clicking on, well, nothing makes the finder crash. Using the standard one button mouse did not fix this.
Second, sometimes the entire system crashes and boots me back to the login menu at random intervals. Logging in starts up os x normally. Only thing I've noticed is that it happens more often when I'm doing anything at all than when I haven't touched the computer in a while (but it's done that too).
I'd greatly appreciate any help anyone can offer, or even just telling me why these happen, because I have no idea. I tried reinstalling the system software, and interestingly enough that stopped problem 2 for about two days, but it came back.
Thanks again!
What version of OS X are you using? I upgraded my iMac to 10.2.3 a while back, and I got the problem you're having with contextual menu-clicking, except whenever I tried to do anything the Finder restarted, back to how it was when it started originally. Click a triangle, boom. Close a window, boom. Etc. What I did was to reinstall the system and then not upgrade it. Considering all the problems every update to 10.2 seems to bring, I left it at the base system, just what installs off the CD. (That doesn't mean I haven't messed with it, I just haven't upgraded it.)

My advice is to reinstall the OS and not upgrade it.
Reinstall the system and then download and run the 10.2.6 Combo Updater. This latest version of Mac OS X is exceedingly stable.

Before you reinstall the system run Disk Utility and do a Repair Permissions on your startup disk. Also, if you can boot off another disk and run DiskWarrior all the better. You definitely don't want to install on a damaged disk. If you don't have DiskWarrior then you may not need to worry. The Jaguar installer will make sure the disk is in good shape before install.

Have fun, and be glad you don't live in Baghdad today!
Originally posted by slur
This latest version of Mac OS X is exceedingly stable.
Really? I've heard numerous accounts to the contrary. Every update seems to have its fair share of problems; for example, 10.2.3 made my Finder quit upon receiving a command, and 10.2.4 had a problem where it drained laptop batteries at an inordinate rate. These horror stores (and XP'riences) have kept me from upgrading.
Check your mouse driver, and make sure it is totally compatible with your system. My father had similar trouble after installing M$ scroll wheel mouse. I uninstalled the mouse driver, and all is well.