OS X + Fink causes a freeze on bootup


Well, I installed Fink [1] on my OS X system earlier this morning; a used iBook that I bought on eBay. Unfortunately for me, it totally hosed my system - it now freezes on boot.

I have been able to get into a command line using Cmd+S, and ran fsck -y to no avail. I also tried Cmd+V, and I /think/ it is the loginwindow that is crashing.

What really stinks is that the guy who I bought the laptop from said he was going to send me the OSX 10.2 cd with it. He never did! :mad:

[1] http://fink.sf.net/
Which version of OS X is on the iBook? Which version of Fink did you install? Did you install it in /sw as recommended?
With more info, maybe we can figure out what you should try next.
Hmm, OS X version 10.1.5, and the latest version of Fink ( as of 10/8/2002).

It did indeed install in /sw/; however, I ran the installer _twice_.

:) Kris
I suggest booting up in single-user mode (Cmd-s) to get into the command line interface, then mounting your system at the prompt (I think the command is "mount -uw /" but it's listed right there anyway). Then just delete the entire /sw directory and start again. And if you have fink as a startup item, you probably should delete that, too.
I hope that helps!
Hm, already did that. I also ran "fsck -y".

Not sure where I can get rid of startup items, do you know?

Two possible locations - /Library/StartupItems or (less likely) /System/Library/StartupItems.
If that doesn't help, I'm afraid all I can suggest is reinstalling OS X. :(