OS X vs 9.2

OSX vs 9.2

  • I vote OS X better for Creative Apps

  • I vote OS 9.2 better for Creative Apps

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I would be interested to hear your views, on running software under each different system.

As a creative designer applications are more important to me than the OS / features.

OS 9.2 Seems a lot faster at general tasks and moving around.

OS X Looks nicer, colors, e.t.c - but slower.

It seems a trade off for visuals vs speed?

What do you lot think? :)
OS X. Not bacause it looks good, but since it's stable. That's pretty much all I care about, speed comes second. Don't get me wrong, I welcome jaguar and its speed.
I also love that I can keep all of my projects open at the same time. Illustrator and InDesign (with all the needed files opened) in the background while working in Flash, GoLive and Photoshop. Doing that with OS 9? Only if you have more than one Mac to work at.
OSX not just 100% but 1000% due to it's Unix thang. I am now about 40% less reliant on developers thanks to this (and a little Unix learning;) )

On the print design side, isn't it great that your system doesn't crash every hour with Illustrator?
I went back to OS 9 for a while, just to set some stuff up, and I couldn't stand it. It's just nowhere near as good as OS X.
Stable is one thing usable is another.

Half the time I can't find files (for reasons I am perfectly willing to elaborate - in detail - all due to bugs and poor design in OSX).

I STILL can not scan in OSX.

OSX will be my Workstation I estimate when it hits 10.5.

Meanwhile I am happy enough to use it for non-critical non-design work.
I like OS X for Graphics.

I was on an NT machine and it crashed at least 1 time a week using Illustrator. X never crashes.

Allthough we did have some troubles connecting a printer, but it is currently working fine...and Networking is an ongoing dilemma.
Hi Folks,

Thanks for all your replies, its interesting to see peoples views.

I think though I would definately agree with Gastroboy....

OS X is beautiful, don't get me wrong. But it still has to mature a little to be at the work horse level that OS 9 is at.

Somewhere in between the two would be ideal, but I think you really need a mother of a machine to make OS X a fast and functional working environment.

Hopefully soon future versions may become more useable for Graphics/Music/Web design work - OS 9 has had longer development and graphics intensive applications seem to like its less graphical interface - to concentrate more on the actual work you are doing...yes, and sherlock is crap in os X.

Any designers/ Musicians/ multimedia people that share this view?

I know all you developers out there probably prefer OS X for the control and the UNIX factor, hey thats cool. I wish I knew more about what was going on under the hood..

large file sizes and good use of two CPU's and a real OS allows me to set QT up on a huge file conversion while continuing to work on something else.

Native RAID striping for speed. Don't knock it till you've tried it.

Faster file copies on disks and over network. I just wish the Finder wasn't retarded on both platforms. Explain to someone the advantages of a Macintosh while you wait for the finder to do its 1 minute time out on a disconnected AFP server. You'll have to do a lot of talking, because until that Finder recovers, you're not touching a single file with it. Grrrrrrrr.

On a side note, you can join (append) mp3 files together at the command line using cat
i never thought of using cat to join mp3s. Very interesting. Makes entertaining listening when the two files have different bit rates!:D

But OSX is very stable, the only times i have to restart is when a software update requires it! (or the power goes out, which happens monthly in winter)