OK spent a whole day on this at work and this may help some others. Not that this is a solution. My problem is that when I launch classic it loads all of the extentions then gets ready to finish up then just freezes. Does not do a thing. When I click on the button to stop Classic it asks me the question are you sure you want to stop classic from starting up? blah blah.. So I tried to run classic without any extentions. Starts up great. So I thought I would try turning on extentions bit by bit and find out what was causing the problem. Well I then got the message that OSX will put system resources into the system folder for classic to run.(Normal) Then it booted fine. Logged out tried to run classic, and got the same problem again. So I turned off some other extentions and still had the same problems. But I then tried with all the extentions on. Still Same problem. So I turned off all the ATI Nvida and MS estentions, still same problems. I then turned off the classicRave extention, ran classic and got the message that OSX has to add files into your system folder for the classic environment. Bingo it booted! But I then logged out logged back in and still the same problem classic freezez. When I looked in the extentions I saw that classicRave extention back in there again!! Hmm that must have ben a file that OSX stuck in there for classic support. So I pulled it out ran classic and sure as sh*t I got the message OSX need to put resources into the system folder for classic blah. It booted looked in the extention folder and there it was... But once I logged out and logged back in I cloud no longer boot classic. This is on a Blue and white G3.. I tried a diffrent copy of the classicRave extention to see if that made a diffrence. Threw out the finder and System preffs. every thing. But still same problem. I think it has something to do with the classicRave extention. Hope some one can find a work around I'm trying.