osx 10.3.4 update stuck in darwin - help!



I have just installed the apple system update that I think is 10.3.4 and now my machine just goes through a quick start up cycle and straight into Darwin. I can log in fine but what command do I use to get osx up and running?

Thanks in advance.

just want to add that the exit command just brings darwin back - please show me the path back to Aqua. I am on the road so have no peripherals or start up disks etc.

Hi Christian,
i am sitting here with the exact same problem as you,
before this problem i went from a flashin ? to a semi mac osx boot to flashing spinwheel arrow bluescreen,

just hope some good samaritan has an answer,
No such fix for me, took it to a store and they found disk warrior couldn't do anything, then they ran the archive and install using original system disks. This is reached via disk utility if you start up from a system disk. It reinstalls the system, having saved all your files. Then you set things up again using the archive.