
It seems lately my new G5 iMAC has had some load issues and I was wondering if anyone else has reported the same bug -

Here's what's happening - the iMAC works fine till I put a stress on it... (running MSN, Quicktime & Safari all at once) - then out of no where the computer decides to go on system standby, or sleep mode.. or whatever... with the click of a mouse the computer comes back on, but if I continue the heavy load - it will continue to suspend sooner and sooner till I cant do anything but restart due to my frustration - and even sometimes the computer will false boot (it starts for 2-5 seconds) and shutsdown again - i'll wait a couple of minutes.. and she'll start up again.... I figure its an overheating issue - but this just started recently (and I've had the iMAC for a few months now....) and a combination of those programs surely should not cause a computer to "overheat"

I brought the computer in to a "certified apple re-seller/dealer" who had the iMAC for several days and said he/she found nothing wrong with it - ha.. i brought it back and almost immediately it started up again - to eliminate any outside interfearence... I have nothing plugged into the imac but the keyboard/mouse - therefore a faulty USB/firewire device isn't to blame.
I've also re-formated and re-installed - same issue re-occurs!!!!

At first I thought it was my DVD drive since the computer would do it almost certainly at that point, but Ive noticed lately too much load on the CPU (watching a simple 300mb avi) would send it into suspend mode - any ideas???

Thanks alot,

Jordan W. Kelly
After a little more searching - I've concluded its most likely a heating issue - the computer runs @ a steady 75C - 80C and fluctuates like nothing i've ever seen -

***Anyone*** out there with the 1.8 G5 iMAC that could possibly tell me what temp they're computer runs with a normal load (IE/Safari.. and whatever else) - thanks a lot.... it would help me figure out how of the norm my tempuratures are... or if they are infact regular imac temperatures....