OSX is not loading


The computer is stuck on the apple screen with the spinning wheel. I can manage to boot up in safe mode but that is it. This arose from an apple security software download recently and when the machine went to reboot it could not. Now on a normal boot up it just sits on the grey screen with the spinning wheel for hours (if let).

I have booted up in safe mode and removed anything from the Accounts that was other than the iTunes helper - rebooted - nothing

I have attempted an SMC and PRAM - again on reboot - nothing

I have also started in option mode but there are only two symbols that I can use one is a circular arrow, which does nothing when clicked and the other is a right pointing arrow that appears to attempt to launch OSX, to no avail.

I have also tried the option of rebooting with the install disk in the drive and holding down the C key - again nothing.

What else can I try?
Have you considered . . . SATAN?!


Reads like you frelled your System.

Seriously, I always updated my security software online. No problems. Then with this last one we have had a number of people who have had their systems frelled by that. Something about a problem with the connection? The whole thing not coming over? Anyways, I downloaded the ComboUpdate and did it that way with no problems, and I am unaware of anyone complaining who did it that way.

I think you can try just that. Try downloading the CU . . . updating . . . cross your fingers . . . maybe sacrifice a goat or a virgin . . . and that may do it. However, on the likely chance that is not going to help you make sure THOU HAST BACK'D UP YOUR DATA!

Then, boot on your Installation Disk--either the lastest OS you have or the "grey" ones that came with your computer. See if Disk Utility will "fix" it for you--enough to save data if you have to. Usually, this does not help you from what I have read, so you either must Archive and Install and then update with a ComboUpdate, or if you have all of your data and want to start clean, you can do the Clean/Erase Install.

The last is probably unnecessary if Archive and Install does the trick.
