OSX on ibook466se


Hello, I would just like some opinion as to if I should upgrade my ibook466 from 9.2 to OSX10.3

It has 383 Mb Ram.

It has a ten gig hard drive and 9 of it is filled with various 9.2 apps. Should I try to buy a small external firewire HD and load OSX10.3 upon it?

I am concerned with the overall speed. The silly thing only came with an 8 meg video card. Gosh, and only for 3000 "2001" CDN, it's little wonder that Apple is back in the black.

I am affraid of taking a performance hit here, yet at the same time everything seems to be (and has been) migrating over to 10.

What should I do? I have a PC with 80 gigs, can I firewire my OS through it? Is there dual-boot?

I have a clamshell graphite iBook running 10.3.2 with 384 of ram. It's 366 mhz and only 6 gb hard drive. It's more of a backup these days than anything but it runs Panther just fine. Panther, in fact, is a little peppier than Jaguar on it.
If you can install more ram, that would help. But it also depends on what you use your Mac for. You're not going to get Garageband or serious film editing going on it, but for most other tasks, it should be up to it.
I was Running 10.2 on my Blueberry 300Mhz iBook and it ran fine. I dont see a problem with running it on yours. Not a spead deamon - But good as a big BIG portable iPod or something.