OSX Server Help


I am trying to find some help with OSX Server. I would like to get my Application Server running but, when I try to start the manage from the Server Admin it never finds the start page running on port 40000. I have look for documentation and most is advertising or marking. Very little is true how to information. I have searched for books on OSX Server for months with no luck.

My main interest is finding someone how is using the Mac OSX Server in a real world environment that I could talk to. I am trying to set my server for Web Services and thought I would used Jboss but, I can find any documentation regarding the Jboss on OSX and found Unix docs to be more confusing then not.

I am a Java developer at work for the past year and just want to use my OSX Server to learn with at this time. But hope to get a handle on it soon and focus more and OSX server development in the future.