OSX weird file/folder stucture


OS X Jaguar
With all the cool stuff osX brings, I dont like the weird file structure changes...

they should have left that alone.... kept it like os 9.

everything else in X is cool.... for the most part.

thats my take, being a mac user since 1991
I like the file structure and extensions. I never did trust the icon to tell me what type of file it was. and I don't have to think about adding extensions to filenames when transferring to another OS (for the most part).

I like the idea of everything having a place. I am way too disorganized if I'm not forced to be otherwise. And, if I want to put certain things in my own idiosyncratic areas, I can always use an alias.

That said, I do admit that it took a little getting used to, but like I said, after getting over the initial learning curve, I prefer the new way.
I like X, but for us seasoned mac users, it takes some learning, and getting use to.

I also like things in their place... but they reorganized stuff that made it hard to find...

It keep messing with it, and bought a book on it... .so, im learning...

its got potential, and like it or not, its the future of the macos.
the file folder structure kinda ticks me off too in a way...

i like my documents folder at the root of the drive... not in my "user" folder... this of course flies in the face of the multi user security...

but i would like the ability to have a single documents folder for all users to use and still be able to use the toolbar buttons.

overall though... when i have to work at a place (im a freelancer) in 9 because they havent switched yet, i don't like it nearly as much as OSX.
I have to admit I don't mind OS X's directory structure very much. I like having all my applications in one place, and that way I can just add the Application folder to my dock and use control-click to access all my apps at once.

To let everyone get access to a common document directory can't you just create a document folder in the Public folder?

although it was a little while getting used to it, I'm perfectly content with OS X's directory. I miss the simplicity of Mac9, but it was in no way prepared for multiUser. I'm also WAY too familiar with unix directory structures ... and Apple has totally improved on that.

That said, the things that don't seem completely based around the user experience seem to be based on programmer friendliness, or massively network-Centric multiUser. It seem to be a proper balance between using, and administering.

I do think that sharing files between users on a single machine is one of the most unnecesarily difficult things to do on a Unix security model. There should be some reasonable interface for me to share a file with everyone. And know if they'll be able to read only, or also edit.

Copying my file to /Users/Shared/ is neither immediately obvious, nor useful enough.
I also cast my vote for "I love it". I have to admit when I first installed X it was of the .0 variety and on my 266 iMac it was too slow so I immediately switched back to os 9 and everything was messed up. That's okay tho, it makes the OS X experience much better.

I love the users. I can keep my school stuff in a different login than my fun stuff so when I have 4 midterms in the next week as I do now I don't get stuck playing Boom or online Go. Didn't stop me from browsing the web tho :p
Originally posted by rinse
but i would like the ability to have a single documents folder for all users to use and still be able to use the toolbar buttons.
It is easy enough to add your own folders to the toolbar... just Customize...