Other Deimos Rising-type games?


Chmod 760
Staff member
I like Deimos Rising a lot but I would like to try something new. Shooting games, arcade ... retro, even pacman- or arkanoid- style games are ok. Quake is ok but does not make me go mad.

So, what would you guys suggest for me as a game? I don't like to spend ages to find out the strategies, I just normally enjoy shooting (exactly like in Deimos) .. Pop-pop is ok, snood is ok .. but I want something that I haven't played before. Of strategy stuff, something like vice city would probably be interesting though (but does not exist for mac).

I found the last weekend one of my old time favorite games, Sky Jaguar (Konami, 1984) (on MSX platform). I would really love to be able to play it on my Mac. I have the original game for MSX but I don't have the old computer here but at my parents. Does anyone know where I can get a (Mac)mame version of sky Jaguar? Has anyone of you played it? :)
There's always the prequel to DR, Mars Rising... Classic-only, but you should be able to manage. If you can't, well, humph. :p

Perhaps Spy Hunter?

I found a nifty little Space Invaders game that uses 3 different view points and changes between them almost at random, plus uses awesome OpenGL graphics. I will look it up for you later, though. ;)