Our school - Vintage Mac on display

I noticed today in our main lab (27 eMacs) there is a Apple Centris 610c sitting up on a shelf above one of the rows of eMacs. They said that's what the school had a long time ago.
One of the oldies...nice machines the Centris/Quadras. :D

Try and see if you can convince them to use it as a webserver or something, just as a proof-of-concept.


I remember also seeing an SSH client called MacSSH but I hven't had any luck in getting that to work properly. :rolleyes:

There's also a web browser that supports tabs and such called iCab. It does have its issues sometimes, but it renders pages better than IE 4 or Netscape 4 would.
When I was in high school we had:
1. One lab with Mac Pluses (plus one Apple II)
2. One Lab with LC II and one centris 6xx (guess which one I used :p)
3. One Lab with AppleIIgs computers (aaahh learned BASIC on them :D - then my senior year they were replaced with PCs :mad: )
I used an Apple computer when I was about... 6 or 7.

I think it was Acorn, don't know much, but wasn't that an Apple clone?
No. The Acorn was another brand of computer, also considered to be popular in the vintage market The company decided to call the computer the Acorn to capitalize on the fact that Apple had a fruit name. :p I believe they were mainly a European company.

Incidentally, I was first introduced to Apple in 8th grade. The school had a lab of Apple IIe computers. After we moved that same year, the new school I attended also had Apple IIe computers, and I think a few stock Apple II and II+ computers.

Before then, I had been exposed to programming on the Commodore PET. Now THAT was fun! :D Gotta love that cassette tape storage! ::ha::
we had macs in school. some 68k little ones. i don't remember exactly what they were, but i remember thinking they were shite because they weren't pc's. pc's have always been better than macs - look how many people have got them