Overclocking!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~


Friend of the elves
Hey!! take a look to this site:

In the Macintosh TuneUp section you can choose a Mac Model to get instructions to overclok it.
I haven´t done it yet because I would like to know if there´s any danger in doing so. I would also like to know if there is someno who has overcloked his Mac.
do a site search for 'overclocking'. you should find many threads by the people who have done it and the problems they have encountered. as i remember,it is fine with classic, but a nightmare with osx.
Yes, of course there is danger involved in overclocking, and you have to have a lot of soldering experience, and to be stable on your hands, to do it. Those surface mount resistors are small... And exept from the danger of anything going wrong while soldering, the processor could also get too hot and burn (that's not a common problem on Macs, though, because PPC processors run on lower effects than x86 processor, and therefore emits less heat). And if you clock it too high, it won't boot, or will randomely crash.
But, I've overclocked an iMac from 233 to 266 MHz, an other one from 333 to 400 MHz, and my 400 MHz G4 to 500 MHz, and they're all still running perfectly well.

BTW, Voice-, if you wish, I can overclock your Macs. I don't recommend it if you absolutely not can afford replacing the processor card if anything goes wrong, but I haven't messed up any Macs yet ;)
Contact me on email if you're interested :)