Overheating Cube

OK, here goes...

Around 2 years ago, I got my hands on a new G4 500 cube. For the first 6 months or so, it worked perfectly. Then, all of a sudden, my baby started putting herself to sleep, shutting down, or restarting completely randomly. The problem started off being once every 2 weeks or so and eventually increased to an unbearable once or twice per day (it always seemed to be the worst when I had a big project due the next day). I decided that it must be overheating or something like that, so I took the brains of the thing out of its box and it worked perfectly. For around a year (that brings us up to 6 months ago) it was fine, I worked the hell out of it, it only crashed a few times, not too bad overall. Then, I decided it looked ugly how it was, and tried to stuff it back into its cube shell. Almost immediately (I might have gotten through a day or so) my problems started again. So, for another time, I dissected the computer and spread the innards over my desk. Once again, back to normal. 2 months or so later, I found you guys and just now the idea popped into my mind to ask you about it. So, in preparation, what I did was I downloaded AquaMon, a program to monitor CPU temperature and usage, and then put the top back on. So far, the current operating temperature has been 40-48C (104-118F). So far, it's 11 PM, and It's been up and running for 41 minutes. So, no problems yet... I'm going to put this thing to sleep, and then get some sleep myself, and I'll report back in the morning. If anyone knows what’s going on here, or at least has the same problems so we can waddle in self-pity and misery together :D . Right, anyways, any help much appreciated.
Ah, yes. The schizophrenic cube problem. My cube was once schizophrenic, but after coming back from a repair from Apple, it was fixed.

Since you have made no mention of it CRASHING because of being overheated, I'll assume you're having the same problem that I had when I first got my cube.

It would just restart/shut down at random, often costing me a bit of lost work (nothing big, luckily).

So I called Apple about it, and here's what the problem is:

Your electrostatic button on the top of the cube is too sensitive. Since it is getting quite hot in there, it thinks something's touching the button, and therefore shuts down or restarts.

They said that it could happen with both displays and cubes, so I first sent in my display (a 15" flat-panel Apple display). When I got it returned, the problem was still there. So I called them again, and they told me to send in my cube. When I got it back, everything was just peachy!

So you'll have to get it repaired. It's a simple procedure, I believe, and they should be able to do it pretty quickly (if not right in front of you).

Here's to hoping Apple can cure your schizophrenic cube.

Oh, and next time – for the sake of any Macs you may have, CALL Apple when you have a problem!! They just COULD possibly know everything about your computer, and they just MIGHT possibly be able to fix it! :p