Pablo Alto

ha ha ha :p
I wish :p maybe I could attend the loveparade :D
I will update my web site in july (I am working on updates offline slowly now)
You know if my german friend were in germany I would visit her. She is a berliner, it would be nice to see berlin, go have a blast at the loveparade, and see my friend....
a week in berlin sounds nice :)
btw, you have some problems with "Umlaute" in your german version website and in your least that's what I get on all browsers.
If you want to use "Umlaute", that's what you have to write into the HTML-code:

ä = auml;
ö = ouml;
ü = uuml;
Ä = Auml;
Ö = Ouml;
Ü = Uuml;

And if you need a ß it's szlg;

I hope these things now display properly so you know what I mean ;)
Update: No, they don't. I exlude the needed "&" so you have to add a & in front of those string above, if I do here, it already displays them as Umlaute.
So it would be like &code;
I know :)
I used those codes when I worked offline, but when I started working online, especially the "recent" edition of my site (the "I will be back in july" version) I just did a very fast job didnt pay attention to putting in the codes :p

slowly it will be fixed :D