Palm Device and Palm Desktop Question


Hello Everyone,

Could someone tell me how I could backup the personal information in PalmDesktop on my iBook?

I want to totally delete hotsync, and the Palm Desktop... reinstall, restore the perosnal files (Address Book, Notes, Calendar and whatnot) and sync with a different PDA.

I am having trouble getting things syncing at the moment... kinda strange. Anyway...

Thanks guys :-)

Look in *Your hard drive's name* > Documents for a folder called "Palm." Your data should be in there. That's where it is in OS 9, at least.

If it's not there, look in Users > *Your user name* > Documents.

Have you tried iSync?
If you sync a new device, you should get a prompt during the first hotsync asking if you want to create a new user or use the old one. If you create a new one (basically just modify a little whatever naming convention) that you use. That should create a new folder for that user and should keep the two devices separate, if that's what you're intending.
Create a new user and name it something really outlandish, like "myfeetarepretty" or something. Then do a search for that user and you'll find where your user data have been hiding.
One more nearly unrelated question.

I can search for the directory name of the user of my PDA, and I find the folders. But, when they pop up in the Search results window... I can't see the entire path to the folder.

How can I get it to show me the entire path so I can learn where this stuff is stored?

Thanks guys. :-)

One more thing. Say I wanted to nuke my entire HotSync environment and start from scratch. Is there a certain way to uninstall things on OSX? Or do I just go into applications and remove what looks like the executeable for the program?

Would I need to delete hot sync, and palm desktop?

Thanks again guys!
Drag the bar between the results and the path to resize it.

Why exactly do you want to delete all your Palm components? Is something not working? You can delete everything Palm-related (besides users), then reinstall it, but what are you trying to achieve with this?