Panasonic GS500


Hi. I recently purchased a Panasonic NV-GS500, I recorded video, and when I try connecting it to my iMac (with OS X 10.4.8) it doesn't appear on the desktop. I have iMovie HD 6.0.3 and the camera doesn't appear in that. The camera is on the 'video playback' option. I have tried restarting the mac and the camera, and all other troubleshooting tips, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

Won't work with USB for video, and I don't think this camera has Firewire.
Have you tried S-Video cable?
USB is just for still images, so that doesn't matter.
Yes, it has firewire, I plug it in the firewire port amd nothing happens.

After googling it, it appears other OSX computers have the same problem.

And no, there is no S-Video.
Hi. I recently purchased a Panasonic NV-GS500, ...
This is a DVD-RAM camcorder. Dare I say that it is a miniDVD-RAM camcorder? The only way that I know to transfer a miniDVD to your Mac is to pop-out the DVD and drop it into the tray of your optical drive of your computer. You will have to RIP the DVD using MacTheRipper or Handbrake. If you want to communicate between your camcorder and compuer via FireWire, you will have to use your miniDV camcorder instead.