panther retail box :)

Well, the 'X' will quite surely be of the 'new' variation. (see
There already is an Inspector. Simply push Cmd-Option-I.

That's pretty funny, though! For the real thing, imagine the current box with the new, shiny, squared-off X (like Captain Code's avatar). But this definitely should be it, especially for the new "Cartoon Edition" (CE... oh crap!).
Speaking of the nex "X," does anyone think it sucks compared to the furry one? I thought the furry one was funny and classy at the same time, but the new logo doesn't impress me as any more professional. Thoughts?
Well, you could say it's more professional because it's slicker and more clean-cut, not patterned like some outrageous pajamas or a fur coat.
Yep, the aqua-feel 10.1 box was the best yet, though the "Panther" there would be great as a "special edition" =)