sorenbrix said:
Have just updated to 10.3.2 and some problems still persists. It seems that I have problems browsing to some window shares, but if I try to connect thru Connect to Server... using smb://servername/ I can mount any share. If I user smb://ip address/ I can connect to some and not to others.
I have verified with my Department MS Windows network (with several workgroups and without domains) that update 10.3.2 solved most problems concerning the browsing of windows computers (the access thru Connect to Server was already working fine, even with OS X release 10.3.1)
However my OS X Mac can only browse (and it can only be browsed by) PC computers belonging to the same TCP/IP subnetwork (we have three of them with separate gateways in our Department). This is different from the PCs running NetBEUI protocol that can browse all the computers in the local network. I could argue that only PCs running TCP/IP protocol can be browsed by (and can browse) the Mac, but I did not tested it yet.
I also verified the following malfunction: if the sharing of a folder is activated in the browsed PC, after the connection was established, the added folder does not appear in the window when clicking on the computer icon.
Moreover, for the computers belonging to the same workgroup of the Mac, the PC computer alias appearing in the Local folder is independent of the alias of the same computer in the folder named as the workgroup. (for example if clicked after the activation of the sharing, it correctly shows the shared folder and its content, while the alias in the Local folder continues to be empty)
This might be a serious problem because for example I have no idea how for example to "disconnect" (and then reconnect) the validated computers. Even removing the corresponding line in Keychain Access seems to be ignored: their shared folders appear to be permanently mounted in the (hidden) directory /private/var/automount/
Now I will try rebooting the Mac (but anyway it would seem to me a quite unconfortable procedure ...).