Parallel Desktop graphics



I'm wanting to play Company of Heroes on my new iMac 24" ... i've sheckd with a friends and normally the HD2600 Pro should be able to run the game ... now here is where the problem lies ... i've gone into the setting on parallel desktop to check out all of the graphics settings ..... and was shocked.

i thought tht the actuall graphics card tht u have on board atomaticly becomes ur parallel graphics card ... but no there is a seperate drver thingy, which IS ONLY 16MB!!!!! :( :confused:

Can anyone plz offer a way of changing the driver from wat it currently is ... to wat i want it to be HD2600pro ....(atm is says tht its some virtual driver and is is only 16MB!!!) :confused: plz help because i'm dying to play this game and thought that would be able to play other windows game through parallels and that part of the reason to why i got it.

PLz PLz PLz PLz PLz PLz PLz Help