parallels and boot camp problem


I have the following problem.
I installed a Parallels on my MacBook, with WIndows XP. The Windows XP is installed with BootCamp, so Parallels takes the WinXp installation from BootCamp. It never worked well, I want to disinstall it. But I cannot switch the winxp off: when I open the windows in the parallels it is so slow that it takes hours to do anything, and I am not even able to select the switch off button in the windows system. So I have to kill the parallel process. When I do that, I cannot restart the windows from BootCamp: when I select windows from BootCamp, a black screen appears, asking me if I want to choose "Paralles" or "Windows Xp". Consider that in this moment I am not in the MacOs, I am at the beginning of everythin with a black screen, so the Parallels installation doesn't make sense at this stage. The default is "Parallels" (and it takes very short time to start, something like one second). If "Parallels" is started, Windows does not start, it complains about a file missing in the system32 folder. If I am very fast, I can select to start "Windows" and it works, it starts, and I am happy with this. But I would like to avoid the blanck screen at the beginning, I want to start Windows directly. I suppose that the black screen will disappear if I manage to switch off WIndows from Parallels, but I don't know how to do that, it is completely stalled. So please, give me some suggestion on how to solve this problem.
I'm not sure whether I understand everything correctly, but I'd go about it this way:

1.) Boot into Mac OS X, recombine the partitions with BootCamp Assistant, completely erase everything Parallels and then go about installing anew.
2.) If you _can't_ boot into Mac OS X currently, I'd start from the original installation disk, reformat the harddrive, install OS X and then go about installing WinXP anew, either in BootCamp or Parallels, whatever you want.
Thanks, I like the suggestion number 1, but does it mean "recombine the partitions with BootCamp Assistant"? What should I do?
Thanks again
Boot into OS X and start the BootCamp Assistant application. It'll let you effectively "kill" the Windows partition and reunite the space with the Mac partition. You'll lose everything on the Windows partition by doing this, of course.
Ah, no, it is not what I want. I would like to keep the windows partition: it works, but it works only if I choose it in the initial black screen. I just want to avoid the initial black screen.
Ah. Now I get it. :) You'd have to look for a solution to change boot options for Windows, actually. I think some things can be handled in the main system settings, others need TweakUI (free download on Microsoft).
try this.

boot to osx and edit boot.ini where locate bootcamp partition c drive

find line what the bottom string exists

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

add parameters

/kernel=ntkopvs_.exe /hal=halopvs_.dll


multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /kernel=ntkopvs_.exe /hal=halopvs_.dll

something is puzzled me, why Parallels never work so well with Boot Camp? even parallels did claimed it work fine with Boot Camp. i did have a bad experience with Parallel trying to load my Boot Camp XP, but after it said it failed to mount? or something. so i decided to boot it natively (which mean im booting to XP). while booting.... i found out Parallels happen to screw up my system file and boot.ini. it screw up BIG time. so i rip out the Parallels CD out of my macbook and uninstall the program and tuck the parallels Cd in the dark place of my closet forever.