Parallels Help


I recently bought parallels, installed it, loaded it up, blahblablah. I am extremely happy with it, and how well it runs XP but, there is one problem. I have two users on my iMac, and both sides have the application Parallels, the conflict is that the only way I can access the XP OS that I set up inside Parallels is if I log-in to the Mac user side that I installed parallels on. i cannot get into XP on my other user; it asks me to set up another guest OS. Is there a way to make it so that Parallels uses the same variables/folders/package/whatever-it-uses-to-execute for both users on my Mac? By the way, I am not very Mac savvy, I used to own a PC - please detail a step-by-step procedure; I usualy need things dumbed-down for me XD

Thanks in advance! :)
Could be that the second user - the user that *cannot* access the windows machine - doesn't have permissions to the parallels file (the .pvs file). By default, these files are created in ~/Library/Parallels. In other words, in your user directory. Other users don't - and shouldn't have access to this. If you'd like to make the VM public, you can probably move it to ~/Public. That directory is usually open to all.

