PB 12" in Europe


Hey there,

I've just ordered a PB 12" in Germany. On the site it said that the availability was 2-4 days, but then in the order confirmation it said to expect 2-4 days for processing the order and then 2-5 days for delivery!! :( ... does anyone have experience with how long it actually takes for one of these beauts to be delivered over here? I just ask coz I'm off to the UK next week, and would really like to actually be here when they deliver it.
Or alternatively - does anyone have any tips on how one might expedite the order?


Well, could you have asked for overnight shipping when you ordered it? You might be able to upgrade.

Feel lucky, in the States, if you don't order special shipping, it's usually 4-6 weeks to deliver something. I'd say 4-9 days is pretty quick comparatively.
If the new PBs are due out in a couple of weeks are rumours seem to be increasing, might that have something to do with it?
My 12" PB took 8 days from order to delivery (ordered on May 3rd, delivered on May 12th). Quicker than I expected when you consider May 3rd was a Saturday.
I know, wrong thread for such a comment, but wouldn't it be a bit smarter to wait 2-3 weeks, if it can't arrive that early anyway? Expo in Paris seems pretty hopeful for a new 12'' alubook.
Paris Expo seems hopeful for new AluBooks of all sizes. But if someone needs a Book now, then they're going to get it now.
I was going to wait. But then my iBook screen went a bit worbly, so I need a replacement ASAP :( Plus, I was going to wait until Panther came out to get me HW update, so that I don't then have to shell out for the new OS *as well*. Its just all going a bit awry.
Worbly? ::ha:: ::ha:: LOL... Sorry, it's probably a serious issue but that's a funny word... how did it get worbly?

Just through lots of wear and tear. I've been using it really extensively the last two years. And one day I just opened the screen and there was a little crack, and since then if I try to open the screen past a certain point the backlight goes off. Now, I'll probably get this repaired once I have the new notebook, but I can't live without a notebook (technically yes, but its meant figuratively). Ah well. Its still being assembled :( ... hopefully it'll be shipped tomorrow ... keep your fingers crossed :)
Woohoo - it got shipped today. HOPEFULLY it'll be with me early next week. Aparently its flying first from Taipei to Luxembourg and from their overland to myself (TNT). With any luck I'll be posting the next update from a spanky new PB12" :)
It actually got here on Thursday 4th, but then I was already in the UK for two weeks hols ... but its here now, and as promised, this is coming from the spanky new PB :)

