PBX header <-> framework problem, 'No such file..'


Hello all,

I have a small problem with ProjectBuilder, I hope!

Did put a header called <kern/task.h> in my code.

Also inserted the kernal.framework ( PBX-Projects-Add Frameworks ) into my project. Is visable under External Frameworks.... in the files tab.

But it still says about <kern/task.h>, 'No such file or directory'.

Do I have to do more?
I miss something ?

I think I had something similar. I added the WebServiceCore framework to a project (the first project I was using a different framework in) and it couldn't find the headers in the include sections. Turns out the includes were unnecessary - hopefully that's the case with yours too - just try leaving out the includes and just use the calls.

1st : Have you actualy checked the framework for your target? If it's not, the compiler complains it can't find the files, else it should work just fine.

2nd : Do you include the header like &lt;kernel/kernel.h&gt; or &lt;kernel.h&gt;? The second way is not valid. You must include &lt;Framework/header.h&gt;.
to LordCoven,

I think this happens to me before, but not now. I need the include.

to cBaron
1st. yes i did.
2nd. yes, it goes about <kern.task.h>

Any idea?
Oeps I see now why there is no header tekst in my mail.

So here again:

o LordCoven,

I think this happens to me before, but not now. I need the include.

to cBaron
1st. yes i did.
2nd. yes, it goes about #include 'kern/task.h'

Any idea?