PC to Mac Network Problems


Here's our setup:

iMac File Server (not running OS X Server, just has File Sharing turned on)
Two partitions. One for system, the other for our shared documents. The Documents directory has been set to "Ignore Ownserhip" under the Get Info for the volume.

WIN2K PC (Admin level account)
WinXP PC (Admin level account)

Coupla G4s

Problem is that neither of the PCs can create folders from the PC and then save files into those folders. When I Get Info on the newly created folders, they are read only.

I assume this is one of those permissions problems, but why is this happening when I set the drive to Ignore Ownership?

More importantly, how do I solve this? We need to have all our connected machines able to create whatever they want, whenever they want and not have to deal with these godforsaken permissions issues.

Please help?
Did you enabled Windows File Sharing on the Mac or just File Sharing? When you are connecting to the Macs, are you using the OS X user names? Are those OS X names in Accounts preference pane have enabled the Allow user to log in from Windows? Did you try to use simple 8 character folder? What happens if you create those folder on the PC and then try to copy them into the Mac?

I will try to test this ASAP and let you know what gives...

Let us know what gives...
(We solved the problem, answer at bottom, but still, I want to answer your questions):

Both Mac and Windows File Sharing are on

We tried connecting using all possibilities, starting with the accounts we created from the "server" and also using the OS X user names

Yes on "allow user to login from windows"

Did not try 8 character folder

Did try creating folder on PC desktop and moving it, still doesn't work (it will copy to the Mac, but you still can't save a file into it from the PC, because it was created with Read Only premissions for some insane reason).


However, this is all moot, because we found a solution. It's kind of complicated for the non-programmer (me), but it basically involves changing some SMB configurations via the command line.

comment=User Home Directories
browseable = no
read only = no
create mode = 0750

[docs] Our Hard Drive
path = /Volumes/Our Hard Drive
browseable = yes
read only = no

Somehow this works. My programmer found this somewhere. Seems insane that we would have to do something so low-level when it should just be a few button clicks in OS X. We have had this problem for two years. Finally!

Does anyone know if OS X Server edition resolves this nonsense with permissions issues? I need to be able to allow all users to read/write or do whatever they want (assuming I want them to) without the confusion of who created what folder first or using public folders.