pc user with some questions, please


ok someone gave me a g3, I just installed osx on it, works good, it would seem though that none of the spiffy programs run on the g3's, like aperture and final cut pro

they both want atleast a g4.. I think I can prolly upgrade ram and video card to match reqs, but what about the processors in these things, can they be upgraded? what would it take?

it's a g3 (blue and white) ppc 750 (350mhz) with 256mb ram
ati rage 128 16mb graphics card

I'm looking into older versions of these programs to see if there's any that will help me out, but I really rather have the newer versions if possible.

is there any hope for this machine? or should I get older software and suffer?
'... g3, I just installed osx on it, works good, it ... seem ... none of the --- programs run on the g3's, like Aperture and Final Cut Pro' - correct, a number of (typically, 'high end') applications - require 'AltiVec' which is only incorporated within the G4 microprocessor, or have been (re)written to support the PowerMac G5 and / or the Intel-based Mac's microprocessors.

'I ... can ... upgrade ram and video card to match reqs, but what about the processors ..., can they be upgraded? what would it take?' - 'PowerMac G3 upgrades' Google search result.

'is there any hope for this machine?' - as is and if upgraded, yes.

'...or should I get older software and suffer?' - a ridiculously (rhetorically) stated question. A PowerMac G3 is quite a computer; do not expect to add software beyond the G3's capabilities, and then make condescending comments - due to such.

'... and this is where I think I'll be spending my time for sure. ... hehe ...', ...
I have to agree with barhar on this one. While the G3 is a bit dated, that doesn't make it obsolete. Think of it as running Windows XP on a comparable Pentium II or Pentium III with the same memory and video card while using comparable apps on the Windows side. The machine will surely choke. However, load it with something that was available during its time and you'll see that sucker fly.

Same with your iMac. With more memory, you'll have a better experience with OS X and applications. Of course, you can't expect to run the latest CPU-intensive apps on it considering that most of this software was developed to take advantage of current CPU offerings and features, a position that the G3 CPU can't fill. But if used with the proper software, it can more than make up for its age.

As I like to say (being the owner of a 33 MHz Quadra 650 that's still in use), the only obsolete computer is a dead one....and even that can be debated! :D
I generally advise people with B&W G3s to use them for "general stuff", i.e. a bit of Office work, web-browsing, E-Mail and the like - or to donate/sell the machine to a user who wants to do that. To get a G3 tower cheaply and then upgrade it (expensively!) is not a good path, because you could get a newer tower (G4, maybe even dual processor) for about the same about of money and get more.

So... What do I advise you to do?

A) Use the G3 with software that runs on it. Upgrade RAM, maybe, and maybe a faster/bigger harddrive that fits it.

B) For the software you intend to work with, a new Mac mini might be a good machine. It's not that expensive and definitely has the "new" factor. Warranty and the like.
Farky is right in that part. If you get that CPU upgarde for you G3 to the G4 1.0 Ghz chip with shiping on that you might as will go and add 100.00 to that and get a low end Mac Mini. I know I had a G3 bage desktop mac I had uped the RAM to the max and the hard drive and DVD briner all or witch came oyt of my old PC. The G4 card was one that I get from a guy. And it was 400 Mhz zif card that I had over clocked to 550 Mhz. But it's bus speed was to slow to do anything liek you want to. I got my Power Mac 450 Mhz x 2 CPU off of ebay for 287.00 and with shipping it came out to be right at 300.00 for that mac. The only thing that I want to do this mac is get a new 2x CPU card from OWC and biger hard drive. But that will come after I get a New Intel Mac later this year.
"a ridiculously (rhetorically) stated question"
infact it wasn't, the last mac I ever used was very very old and if you wanted a new one you threw it out and bought a new one, the idea of mac upgrades is new to me, and the idea of a dated mac being useful is also new to me... it was an honest question from someone who knows little and wants to know more

and with the exception of that remark I do appreciate all the help. I can't justify spending the money needed to get the g3 upto date and running the programs I want to run when for a little more if not less I can get a mac mini or out right buy a used g4 tower.

so I'm going to sell this g3 and put the money to good use, perhaps to a mac mini, I think those are pretty slick, I could use some suggestions as to which one to get. I want to run final cut pro atleast version 4.5hd and aperture(or something similar, are there any 3rd party apps that compare that I can check into?). I have little other use for it, if I get a mini I will prolly set it up on my tv for playing videos and what not and wirelessly (if possible) network it to my pc.

I don't know alot about minis, if I get some money from this g3 I will do some research into the different models but I would also like some of your guy's input on the matter. and again thank you for your suggestions previously.
The Intel Mac minis are pretty good for what they are. They come with the Intel Core Solo and Duo (depending on which one you get) so that's definitely a plus. I'm not too keen on Intel's integrated graphics but I've heard that this version is better than previous versions. It actually gives a little better performance than the RADEON 9200 that shipped with the G4 Mac mini, and that 9200 chipset had its own set of memory (the fact that the Intel graphics in the new mini support CoreImage also helps).

While I still think they're a bit overpriced, they still make great Macs. Of course, for a few hundred bucks more you can get yourself an iMac with a Core Duo and a much better graphics set. ;)
Aperture is very high end. very few macs can run it successfully, and smoothly. don't be too putt off that it won't work. you would need a £2000 computer, pretty much, to get that running.
Way do you thing that Apple calls those apps there "PRO" Apps. Apple means for them to be used most likely on a Power Mac, But in this case "Pro" Lines of there new Mac hardware.

So to the guy that started this post. Don't buy into the "Pro" line of things from Apple be it Hardware or Software. I say if want to run it then by all means do so. I run the last Ver of both Aperture and Final cut pro all the time on my Apple non-Spec G4 Dual 450 Mhz G4 Power Mac. Guess what they work just fine on my mac. All that I had to do to get both Apps to work right was upgade my video card. So I say if you can get a test ;-) copy of the software some where and it will work. Then by all meens if you have the cash go get a copy for your self.
"I run the last Ver of both Aperture and Final cut pro all the time on my Apple non-Spec G4 Dual 450 Mhz G4 Power Mac. Guess what they work just fine on my mac"

the latest versions? how did you get past the specs check in the installer? that's what's holding me back, they won't install becasue the installer says my system doesn't meet the minimum specs.

I found and older version of aperture which would work if I put a gig of ram in and a newer version of osx... that's doable I guess, but final cut wants a whole list of stuff including g4/g5 1.xghz processor... not a g3...

am I missing a version difference? is there a non pro version? what are the differences? I google "final cut -pro" and get nothing but pro articles mislabeled. I'm open to suggestions if there are other apps like these 2 that Will run on my g3 350mhz

basically I've always been told mac's do media better then any pc, and I've seen it on a g4 and it's damn slick... I just want to accomplish this, what will it take to edit pictures and video on this g3 because I have no slouch of a pc and editing video blows
Final Cut has always been called 'pro'. look for final cut pro 3, or final cut express, which is final cut 3 -pro.