Pdf from print is allright for pc?


Hi alluguys..!

I've encoutered some problem giving pc guys pdf i created with the "save as pdf" function inside the print menù.

is there some particular issue i shoud be aware of?

something like the minimum version required (of acrobat reader) on the pc side....or other stuff..


I just opened a PDF from my system in Acrobat 4 in Mac OS 8.6 and Acrobat Reader 4 in SGI's IRIX 6.2 without any issues.

On the other hand any of the apps for any of my operating systems based on PDF version 1.2 (Acrobat 3.x) are unable to open my PDFs as generated by the print option in Mac OS X (in my case 10.2.6).
If you are not sure about the compatibility of your PDF out put, you could check the document summary of your PDFs before sending. This is an example from my system.


  • pdf_summary.jpg
    62.9 KB · Views: 10