PDF problems


Am having trouble (I think) with a pdf file I created in Adobe Acrobat (6.0.2).

I have some of my design clips saved as .jpgs. I created a pdf file with them and in Acrobat, everything looks fine. When I'm done and saved and open the file in Preview, the photos turn negative, only a couple of B&W ones look fine.
I'm on a G4 iBook. Is the pdf file fine and I just can't view it properly (and if so, why?), or am I doing something wrong in Acrobat? Thanks.
but what have you exactly done putting them in the pdf file? have you first converted them or not?
Well, i normally use tiff format, but it depends on the softwares i'm using for my work... but i think the problem is due to something you, or the software, did saving the files... i had a similar problem using a software that in some case needed to 'invert' the image that it produced... otherwise you can first convert your images to pdf, simply opening them all in preview and saving from the print menu....
Check the graphics settings in the Acrobat preferences. Acrobat should be able to handle either JPG or TIFF files and convert them to PDF without difficulty. Your problem could also be Preview. Preview does not support or properly handle some features of Acrobat 6. The easiest test would be to open your file with Adobe Reader 6. If the graphics display properly, the problem is with Preview not Acrobat.

I have run into similar problems sending Acrobat 6 files to PC users with older versions of Acrobat Reader. If you can't get the recipient to upgrade their version of Reader then you can change the Acrobat 6 preferences to be compatible with Acrobat 5 or even Acrobat 4.
I set the compatibility to Acrobat 5. I went through and converted the files to photoshop pdf and that solved the problem. I'll have to go back and check the graphics settings, thanks.