After doing the very difficult layout of a book--the designer and the author were active participants far too long, changing and altering things, sending me very problematic duotones throughout the life of the project--the book packager from whom I got the job finally pronounced the book ready for the printer. I was given instructions for downloading a job options file from the printer's FTP site for ditilling final PDFs. Well, low and behold, the PDF won't distill, and a full-page PDF/X Compliance Report is generated. I've never had a problem before using a printer's supplied job options file. I'm nt a Postscript wiz; I've never had to be. Is there a source, a book or a site--would someone take a look at the report--to help me decode what it says and how to remedy the violations it lists?
Thank you.
Steve Tiano
Stephen Tiano, Book Designer & Page Composition Specialist
tel. & fax: 631/284/3842
cell: 631/764/2487
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Thank you.
Steve Tiano
Stephen Tiano, Book Designer & Page Composition Specialist
tel. & fax: 631/284/3842
cell: 631/764/2487
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