performance! is 35 GB enough? MAC hanging!!


please help me, I have a very bad performance in my MacBook 10.5 Leopard. The free memory goes down to 15 MB with just Firefox and a few more programs!

Firefox/Opera easily consumes about 370 Mb RSIZE seeing a few 'normal' webpages (no video nor flash)

I have deleted many apps and files, I have almost 35 GB free (and 71 GB used). I have read that the critical is 10 GB.

In normal situation, the Activity monitor tells me:

-46.62 GB of Virtual Memory of the system
-Free: 410 MB
-"Wired": 306 MB
-Active: 254 MB
-Inactive: 42,71 MB
-Used: 613 MB

Can I avoid complicated claning programs and... reformatting (please, no!!)

What's going on?? isn't 35 GB free enough?

thanks in advance,