On my school computers everything is simply blocked and I can't access the built in Perl compiler. Is there a compiler I can run off my USB key? I can't install anything on the computers, so help would be appriciated.
I can't access the terminal. I wish they could have simply blocked most of the commands instead of shutting us out of everyting except Appleworks. The computers are like huge pyramid shaped word proccessors. Totally useless.
You might want to think about "the why" question before you do or try anything. They blocked it for a reason—they don't want you doing anything but word processing.
I'd suggest you think about that before trying anything, as the schools have a tendency to get a bit upset when you trump them (that's a bad thing). Some have been known to suspend/expel students over minor things like this before, others have even gone as far as taking the students to court for hacking (a felony). That recently happened to a group of students in Pennsylvania who reconfigured the school owned iBooks assigned to them.
So on that note...this thread is closed. We won't support, nor aid, someone in trying to bypass security on a system, especially not on a system that they don't own.