


I've tried various combinations of packaged and source installs of ImageMagick, and then PerlMagick, but have had little success...

anyone out there successfully running PerlMagick?

My goal is to do one of the following:
1. Get PerlMagick Running
2. Get ImageMagick running such that I can use the 'display' command in concert with Xdarwin.

I'm running 10.2.1, Xdarwin and XFree86 are installed and running fine.


PS - Fink doesn't work (for me) either...
Alright, I am actually trying to get Imagemagick installed (again) too. The first time I installed it gave me quite a few problems and this time is no different. I am now stuck (yet again) with installing libjpeg and having ImageMagick find it.
What is the error you are running into when you install? I'm sure I have already run into it :P

BTW: If I do recall correctly, perlmagick is in the imagemagick distribution so you don't necessarily need to install the additional perlmagick package on the website unless you want the beta version of this.
the key problem I'm seeing is indeed the libjpeg issue... it's installed, but Imagemagick can't find it.

BTW - I can get perlmagick to compile (both seprately and as part of 5.4.3), but it too tards out and won't find libjpeg.
Ok, the primary reason people cannot get jpeg support for imagemagick is they forget to install the libraries. Technically you should be able to install the jpeg distribution with the following commands:
./configure --enable-static --enable-shared --prefix=/location
(sudo) make install
This does not has for me as I usually get an error saying it cannot find libtool

Since I have other things to do with my time, I just installed libjpeg with this jpeg port package.
Then I installed imagemagick. It works!

If you are really lazy, you could also simply download the imagemagick port with support for jpeg and a few other formats at

Hope that helps :)