Permissions help : 10.2


Eyebrow Moderator
Well i have many partitions, that i share with a pc, and when i put a file from my pc onto my mac, or many files, they have the users permission as owner etc

what i want to do is set the permissions of ALL files on a partition in one simple solution, i do the "get info" on a partition and change it that way, but it only changes the files directly in that partition, not the folders and the files within those folders etc etc... is there a way i can change permissions of ALL files on a partition in an easy solution?

thanks :)
If you're comfortable using the Terminal, it's fairly easy to do. The command is:
chmod -R 775 [path_to_target_folder]
The 3 digits represent the levels of privilege for owner, group and others. In this example, 7 is full read-write-execute, 5 is read-execute. If you want to allow only yourself as owner to have any privileges at all, you use 700. If you want the whole world to be able to do anything they like, use 777.
You can also express permissions with letters - g for group, u for (nongroup) user, and rwx for read, write and execute. So to allow any user to do anything, the command is:
chmod -R u+rwx [path_to_target_folder]
i'll try that when im more awake and not having ADD spells ;)

not super comfortable with terminal, but if it does every file like the get info should, i will be happier :)
seems to have worked

now how do i set what the owners, etc are in terminal?

thanks :)
Changing owners in the terminal is similar to changer permissions. The command is chown (change owner, get it? yeah, it's bad).

Anywho, if you wanted to change the owner of every file the syntax would be: chown -R username group [path to folder] The username is the person that you want to make the owner the group is the group that you want to give ownership of the file to. Both the username and group are optional, but one of the two must be specified.

To see more information on this type "man chown" in the terminal.