Personalize your iPod


iWork for Apple <3
hey now you can engrave you new iPod (maybe that has been said before but i think it is cool)
$50 for engraving is that perfect borderline price Apple aims for where it's as high as they can get away with but still low enough so that some people (not me in a million years though) will consider it.
I mean, you could if you wanted to get any metal object engraved for less than $10 (or in my case free from work, come to think of it) but since most people don't know that Apple can get away with this IMHO very high price. :)
It's a high price, but think of it this way:
Apple has to pick one iPod out of the line of iPods, engrave it, wrap it up, keep track of it all the way and give it special treatment to make sure YOU get that iPod. They can no longer ship it with 99 other iPods, it's something else now...that attention costs.

Now, order one where it says "If you steal me I'll play nothing but N'Sync" today:D
Originally posted by azosx
I'd have it engraved, "Made in some Taiwanese sweatshop by a 4 year old."

From what I hear about things in Asia, a lot of manufacturers
have moved to cheaper places like China or SE Asia. Even Taiwan businesses have opened up shop in China. Taiwan has become more expensive than those other places. I wouldn't expect to find sweatshops there in Taiwan but more like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China ...
Of course, a lot of people would want to steal an iPod.

"Property of Ricky Romero.
Keep your grubby mitts off."

I would imagine it's not quite like there's a guy manning a long assembly line of iPods and everytime a new customize order is placed he has to pick one off of the line, ferry it over to the engraving person, get it engraved and then wrap it and specifically ship it to you.
There is probably just one other smaller assembly line with an engraver part added onto it. The expensive part is not the laser but the custom shipping that goes straight to you; as you said it can't go with the 99 other Pods. I still think $50 is a little high though but I'm probably biased because I don't really like engraving it anway.

Originally posted by voice-
It's a high price, but think of it this way:
Apple has to pick one iPod out of the line of iPods, engrave it, wrap it up, keep track of it all the way and give it special treatment to make sure YOU get that iPod. They can no longer ship it with 99 other iPods, it's something else now...that attention costs.

Now, order one where it says "If you steal me I'll play nothing but N'Sync" today:D
i actually got mine engraved before apple started that engraving thing. i just got my name put on it. it kissed resale value goodbye, but it gives me peace at mind. it cost me $10.